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Bird Flu

Summer is here and millions of birds are about to begin their annual migration from Northern Asia to nest and breed in the warmth of Africa, But this time the friendly flocks might bring with them a not-so-pleasant package. The deadly “Bird Flu”. Why not so pleasant? Well in 1918 the flu killed 50 million people– this time it could be far worse. The bird flu also a.k.a. H5N1 virus is a rampant virus that infects birds and the people who handle them. In humans this virus attacks the human’s lungs but the worst part is that it kills one out of every two people it attacks. Before the world thought it was a middle eastern problem that is until it started surfacing in Europe a few weeks ago. In turkey two thousand birds were diagnosed positive aswell as two parrots that arrived in Britain from South America, as were two swans on a lake in Croatia these diagnosed birds give form to scientists worst nightmares. The bird flu is spreading around the globe. But for now the virus is mainly confined to birds but – in something that sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie– the virus has the unique ability to cross over from birds to humans. Our continent Africa ,because of it’s problems with poverty and disease, will be the most vulnerable target. Co-ordinator for the bird and human flu (UN), David Nabarrow says it might be impossible to control the virus because of lack of expertise and funds. The Bird flu is a virus that we should all be aware of because it is hitting the globe so fast that we be conscious of ourselves and of all the other diseases and viruses going around. We can never be 100 % aware but together we can make it right


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