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Cats Of Ancient Egypt (and today)

Some people love cats. So much so that they surround themselves with cats. Others have this grudge against them for some unknown reason. Well I think I just found the reason.

In the time I have lived on this earth I have come across interesting facts. Mostly about these spooky felines. I have finally put it all together to form a theory. But first the facts.

In Egypt there are groups of pyramids postioned in a perfect arrow pointing to true north. But no compasses right? And what about dogs? Mans best friend hates cats. Not a coincedence. Now for the weird part the cats. For one these creatures existed in this barren country. And the were domesticated. They lived with humans. They were worshiped like gods. How could the most advanced civilisation of that time have bowed down to these inferior creatures. Two words... Mind Control.

Cats were super-intelligent life forms who could control the humans' minds. But what happened????????

As time has past people have been educated and born equal. In the years of Ancient Egypt you were either royal, a magician or slaves. Most people of course were slaves. Thus no education. Thus no new ideas! As humans progressed the ideas and traditions never questioned were now chllenged. As traditions became weaker so did the cats until they were left with almost nothing.

Still sometimes when a cat looks at me or I think about them, I feel a chill pass through me. To me some people are born to change the things that should be. While some look on stroking their cats.

So maybe these decendents do have control (A cat does have 9 lives) of some people. So this theory as far fetched as it is does seem to fill in holes left empty by science and history. It's up to you what you think. But some how I get the feeling the cats agree with me.


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